Monday, April 12, 2010

Patience, Mindfulness and Moderation!

Hi Everyone,

Well I'm off on another tangent about the self. Have been contemplating things lately (as I so often do) and I am beginning to think that thinking excessively about things doesn't necessarily bring any sort of divine answer any sooner. Sometimes you just have to follow your path little by little and hope that answers begin to reveal themselves.

I noticed that having the kids home for the last two weeks meant really being in the present because there is no quiet time to think. You are just doing and being and interacting constantly and really there is hardly any space for wandering thoughts. Probably a good thing short term, maybe not so good long term.

It never ceases to amaze me how some people around me are not mindful at all. They just go through life never really contemplating their actions, their journey in life, never really stopping long enough to analyse it all. Just reacting and never really seeing the part they have played in where their life is today. I guess I am the complete opposite, I probably over think a lot, which often means wasted energy spent on things or people you just can't change.

I guess it's all about finding the perfect balance for yourself.

I came across this blog maybe over a month ago and I thought I would share it. Simple Balance for Busy People. The blog post specifically I am referring to here is 3 pillars of Life Balance. Do you have them in your life?

I think this post says exactly what I am trying to say here. Anastasiya Goers talks about 3 pillars being: Patience, Mindfulness and Moderation. This is a really great blog post like most of her others and I suggest if you have a spare 10 mins to have a read and find some inspiration. My favourite part of this post is

Patience gives inner calm and lets you flow through the waves of life. No goal is too distant, no task is too complicated, and no journey is too long for a person who has mastered patience. Sometimes we just have to wait patiently in life to get where we want to be.

This really resonates for me. Being an Aries Sign the last thing I am is patient. So I know one of my life lessons is indeed patience.

Maybe something in the blog post will strike a cord with you and perhaps it is something you can be mindful of bringing into balance.

Tomorrow I will finally have my first day with all the kids back at school and I plan to ignore housework for a little while anyway and spend time creating. A New Card Kit which is loooooong overdue is on the horizon.

Anna xox

1 comment:

Meri said...

Hi Anna great post and great blog -simple balance, going to sit down to a cup of tea and indulge in some reading xxx enjoy the avo xx


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